something to get over.

hello readers.

i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, lately there’s something that really bothers me.

i’ve noticed at school or in public or church or an everyday conversation a topic will come up that may be controversial, “awkward”, “offensive” and it is too often dismissed.

we are taught growing up that we shouldn’t talk about things that are violent, we shouldn’t draw pictures of weapons, and we should ignore topics that make us uncomfortable. i have often experienced adults intervening in conversations at school and saying “that’s not appropriate for school”. for school.

so yes this is a real topic but for some reason in an area of education where young adults are supposed to be prepared for life we are told to silence our thoughts and questions?

avoiding the talk of real world issues -war, addiction, sadness, illness, bad relationships- will not make them go away. they are still there and always will be so why is it so terrible to talk about them? does it make someone uncomfortable? is it awkward?
well then i’ll be the first to tell you that not all conversations are easy to have but avoidance of them is not the answer.

i want to be around real genuine people who do not sugar coat reality or even their own lives and struggles they may face. i want to know the truth and ultimately we all will at one point or another so why not now? why is it so hard to accept that there are sad, scary, terrible things happening? throw a blanket over it but it will be there as long as you leave it there. as cruel as this may sound sometimes i just want to tell people to get over it.
it’s time we start accepting our society as exactly what it is and stop dramatizing situations that are completely real. maybe this would stop us from doing the same to people.
