
hello readers.

i have come to the consensus that we have entitlement issues.

i say that in the most literal yet metaphorical way.

yes there is the teenage boys who feel entitled to you phone number.

the men who become abusive in their demand of knowing your everyday conversations and encounters.

there are girls who become jealous all too quickly and women who believe their gender is a card they can pull in any and all situations.

i think this stems from what we know to be true.

we feel entitled to respect.



those are all good things. setting high standards is always a good thing, and please never settle.

where we go wrong is when we start to feel entitled to a person who doesn’t exist or an expectation that is unrealistic. we create scenarios in our head with scripts of what we think people should say to us. how they should treat us. how they should show us they love us. and when they don’t follow script, it’s wrong.

we aren’t perfect people so why do we expect others to be exactly what we cut them out to be?

i have come to believe that entitlement stems from insecurity.

there are parts of us that doubt. everything. when people tell you they love you, some will doubt it. when they say you’re beautiful, some think it’s a lie. when we begin to believe in our own worth we shoot ourselves down again.

because we’re scared that if we don’t hold on tight enough we might lose someone in the process.

well maybe if you need to hold on so tight it’s not worth it.

is it?
